Monday, August 30, 2010

NO Amla, NO Silica

+ i want to have a healthy hair
+ rambut saya gugur lately,
okay, dah lama sbnarnya, heh
+ define healthy?..entah
-Lebat, shiny, tidak gugur and tidak mengerekot?
+Anyway, ive heard people take Silica500
+ people = my TKC seniors
+ this supplement akan mempercepatkan hair growth
+ and its good for your nail and bones too
+ tapi macam takot lah pulak kan
+ tak pepasal kang,
plus like aboo said,
takot side effect lain2, long/short term

+ i used AMLA Hair Oil at one time
+ cuma, the smell is so indian-y
+ tak suka
+ dah la rambut akan berminyak,
just like those auntie2 india u see at..hmm..jln masjid india
+ i decided to settle with
Himalaya Revitalizing Hair Oil aboo got me long time ago
+ yeah, rambut akan berminyak ala india,
but the smell agak comfortable compared to AMLA
+ lets hope, Himalaya works well on my hair

1 comment:

mizzkiau said...

I have the same problem lately, with hair gugur yg amat banyak! n mengerekot tu mmg senantiasa la.

maybe its aging?