Wednesday, November 4, 2009


+ its first week of november, and my work is piling up
+ alhamdulillah for the rezeki God given
+ but deep inside, im too lazy to handle all of the work
" Patience is the most necessary quality for business,
many a man would rather you heard his story than grant his request. " -Lord Chesterfield
+ there's a list of things that i wish to happen in life
+ but it's, i know, not happening soon
+ i want this, but i have to sacrifice
+ i wish for that, but i have to wait
"Patience is the art of hoping." -Francis Bacon
+ so yeah, let's hope i can get what ever in my wish list
"Patience has its limits.
Take it too far, and it's cowardice. " -George Jackson
+ let's see how long can i take it
+ or ill just scrap it
+ duit pon save, hati pon tak terbakar


cazal said...

haa..baik save duit...boleh beli mcm mcm...later...hahahah...u know wut i REALLY wanted to say kan..hehe

kitt said...

am also patience dgn ur pink background.. divaa...

blackrimmedyaris said...

stand up for pink!